
16 January 2024

Redundancy of the network, power and cooling

Datacenter Groningen has had an uptime of 100% for several years in a row. N+1 redundancy was chosen for the facility at the electrical and refrigeration component level. Two electrical paths are available to the servers. This means that if a critical component in the electrical or cooling system is under maintenance or fails, the […]

16 January 2024


Provisions Datacenter Groningen uses two different fibre-optic feeds purchased from two different carriers. This ensures the network redundancy of our data centre. In addition, Datacenter Groningen has its own fibre-optic network on the industrial estate where we are located. From Datacenter Groningen, connections can be set up to the following carriers, among others: Burstable billing […]

16 January 2024

4 things to think about when going to a data centre.

You’ve decided to move your IT infrastructure to a data centre, but what do you need to think about, what do you need to know and what do you need to arrange. In this article, we tell you which 4 things to think about when you want to move to a data centre. Values Ultimately, […]

16 January 2024

Your data’s security

Our building is secured with a security system that is Borg-certified and thus meets the highest quality standards. For additional surveillance, cameras have been installed at strategic points. In addition, numerous invisible safety measures are in place. The property is enclosed with an electric fence. Datacenter Groningen also has an advanced access control system. Fire […]