16 January 2024

Datacenter Groningen: 100% Dutch

Hengelo-based company Weserve has acquired Datacenter Groningen and with it is expanding its services to include data centre housing and related activities.

16 January 2024

How to work safely from home!

Since October, you can use the lorawan gateway with your sensors: dcgzuidbroek and dcgzuidbroek2 With this nice addition, you can log in to sensors at distances from 5-15 km.

16 January 2024

Noorderpoort launches data centre education: ‘growing demand for qualified staff’

Two shipping containers were placed behind the Datacenter Groningen building on Monday, 15 November 2021. They will form the first hydrogen-powered mobile data centre in the world.

16 January 2024

Launch party of new organisation created by the merger of ISPConnect and DHPA

Hengelo-based company Weserve has acquired Datacenter Groningen and with it is expanding its services to include data centre housing and related activities.

21 July 2023

9 November National Data Centre OPEN DAY

Since October, you can use the lorawan gateway with your sensors: dcgzuidbroek and dcgzuidbroek2 With this nice addition, you can log in to sensors at distances from 5-15 km.

21 July 2023

Weserve acquires Datacenter Groningen

Hengelo-based company Weserve has acquired Datacenter Groningen and with it is expanding its services to include data centre housing and related activities.

21 July 2023

The first hydrogen-powered mobile data centre in the world!

Two shipping containers were placed behind the Datacenter Groningen building on Monday, 15 November 2021. They will form the first hydrogen-powered mobile data centre in the world.

21 July 2023

Lorawan active in Datacenter Groningen

Since October, you can use the lorawan gateway with your sensors: dcgzuidbroek and dcgzuidbroek2 With this nice addition, you can log in to sensors at distances from 5-15 km.